Superbloom: The Beauty of Remission

Vanessa Padilla
2 min readAug 2, 2021

Superbloom by MisterWives is playing, windows down, sunshine, and there's not a cloud in sight. My lungs fill with air, — I am not suffocating. I am breathing a steady and easy breath. A feeling I feared would be unattainable for the rest of my life. This was the moment I realized I was in remission, this is when I realized that I did what I once thought was far from my reach.

There comes a time in your life that enough is enough and you become curious as to what life would look like without anxiety attacks, manic or depressive episodes. Your mind will wander and you will start to envision a life filled with relief and ease.

There is so much to be said but not enough words to express the relief that is felt when in remission. The air is sweeter, food tastes better and every day shines brighter.

There is an art and beauty to remission. Each journey evolving in different ways bringing its own greatness.

My remission brought peace, love, gratitude, joy, and more. The idea of loving the person you are and presenting yourself with confidence knowing that there is a life ahead of you waiting to be lived is a feeling like none other.

Dreaming of a future was such a foreign concept… until now.

That is the thing about depression and anxiety, it makes you lose all sense of who you want to be and who you can become but if you dream even just once of the future you want for yourself you may open a world of possibilities.

For the millions of beautiful souls out there that are living and breathing in their anxiety and depression I have a few words of encouragement:

Love lightly, move lightly, breath lightly. You do not have to drown. Keep swimming and moving towards survival because there is a life waiting for you to live.

Love yourself. No bullshit.

Embrace yourself and physically hold yourself in your times of need. You are your person, you are the only person that can dig yourself in a hole and dig yourself out, so hold on to yourself because you are your most prized possession.

Dream, dream, and dream some more. Your future will only get brighter.

It is August 2nd, 2021 I am breathing, living, and dreaming.

That is the beauty of remission.

